
What is "Clip dot/Clip spot" - Definition & Explanation
Last Updated on: 26-Apr-2023 (1 year, 1 month, 5 days ago)
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Clip dot/Clip spot
Clip dot, also known as clip spot, is a type of fabric that is created by clipping certain areas of the fabric to create a textured or raised surface. The clipped areas are typically arranged in a pattern, resulting in a distinctive design that is both visually interesting and tactile. This fabric can be made from a variety of fibers including cotton, silk, rayon, and polyester.

The process of creating clip dot fabric involves several steps. First, the fabric is woven with a regular, smooth surface. Then, certain areas of the fabric are marked for clipping, typically using a stencil or other type of template. The marked areas are then carefully clipped using a sharp pair of scissors or a specialized machine. The resulting clipped areas create a raised or textured surface, while the unclipped areas remain smooth.

Clip dot fabric is versatile and can be used for a variety of applications, including apparel, home decor, and accessories. The texture and visual interest of the fabric make it popular for use in dresses, skirts, blouses, and scarves. In home decor, clip dot fabric is often used for curtains, pillows, and other decorative accents. Accessories such as bags and hats can also be made from clip dot fabric.

Clip dot fabric is popular among a variety of designers and manufacturers, ranging from small independent designers to large-scale fashion houses. Some notable manufacturers of clip dot fabric include Michael Miller, Robert Kaufman, and Cotton + Steel. The fabric can be found in fabric stores and online retailers, as well as in finished products from various fashion brands.

One of the benefits of clip dot fabric is its versatility in terms of design. The clipped areas can be arranged in a variety of patterns, from subtle polka dots to bold stripes or intricate floral motifs. The texture and dimensionality of the fabric can also be varied depending on the length of the clipped fibers and the density of the clipping. This allows for a range of creative possibilities in terms of design and application.

Another benefit of clip dot fabric is its durability. The clipped areas of the fabric are reinforced by the unclipped fibers, creating a sturdy and long-lasting material. This makes clip dot fabric a good choice for garments and accessories that will see frequent use.

In terms of care, clip dot fabric should be treated similarly to other woven fabrics. It can be machine washed and dried, although care should be taken to avoid excessive heat, which can cause the clipped fibers to shrink or become misshapen. It is also important to avoid snagging or pulling on the clipped areas of the fabric, as this can cause damage or distortion.

In summary, clip dot or clip spot fabric is a type of textured fabric created by clipping certain areas of a woven fabric to create a raised or textured surface. This fabric is versatile, durable, and popular among a variety of designers and manufacturers in the fashion and home decor industries. Its unique texture and range of creative possibilities make it a popular choice for a variety of applications, from apparel to accessories and home decor.
Clip dot/Clip spot
A design effect created on a woven fabric by the use of extra yarns which are woven into the fabric at a certain spot then allowed to float over the fabric to the next spot. The float threads are later trimmed but often are allowed to protrude from the surface of the fabric as part of the design.

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