
What is "Closed Shed" - Definition & Explanation
Last Updated on: 15-May-2023 (1 year, 17 days ago)
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Closed Shed

The term "Closed Shed" is commonly used in the textile industry to describe a specific configuration or state of a weaving loom. It refers to the position where all the harnesses or frames in the loom are in their lowered position, causing the warp yarns to be fully covered by the weft yarn during the weaving process.

History and Origin

The concept of the Closed Shed dates back to ancient times when looms were operated manually. Initially, looms were simple and operated by hand or foot pedals. The weaver would control the raising and lowering of the harnesses or frames to create the shed, which is the opening formed between the warp yarns through which the weft yarn is inserted.

Over time, with the advancement of technology, looms became mechanized, and the process of shedding became automated. The Closed Shed position became an integral part of the weaving process, ensuring proper insertion of the weft yarn and creating a tightly woven fabric.

Types of Closed Shed

There are different types of Closed Shed configurations used in textile weaving:

  1. Plain Shed: This is the simplest form of Closed Shed, where all the harnesses or frames are lowered simultaneously, creating a uniform opening for the weft yarn insertion.
  2. Twill Shed: In this type of Closed Shed, the harnesses or frames are lowered in a specific sequence, creating a diagonal opening. Twill sheds are commonly used in twill weave fabrics.
  3. Satin Shed: Satin sheds involve a specific sequence of harness or frame movements, resulting in a large, unbroken shed. This type of Closed Shed is used in the production of satin weave fabrics, known for their smooth and lustrous surface.
  4. Complex Shed: Complex sheds involve intricate movements of multiple harnesses or frames, creating unique shed configurations. They are commonly used in complex weave structures such as jacquard and dobby fabrics.

Tips in Handling Closed Shed

Proper handling of the Closed Shed is crucial to ensure smooth and efficient weaving. Here are some tips:

  • Regular Maintenance: It is essential to perform routine maintenance of the loom, including lubrication and inspection of harnesses and frames, to ensure smooth shedding action.
  • Tension Control: Proper tension control of the warp yarns is essential to achieve an even and well-formed Closed Shed.
  • Correct Timing: The timing and synchronization of harness or frame movements must be accurate to create the desired shed configuration.
  • Quality Checks: Regular inspection of the fabric during weaving is necessary to detect any shedding-related issues, such as warp breakage or incorrect shed formation.

Top International Users and Manufacturers

Several top international textile companies are known for their expertise in using and manufacturing Closed Shed fabrics. Here are a few notable examples:

  • Brooks Brothers: Brooks Brothers, a renowned American clothing brand, utilizes Closed Shed fabrics in their high-quality garments, known for their durability and classic style.
  • Armani: Armani, an Italian luxury fashion house, incorporates Closed Shed fabrics in their collections, representing elegance and sophistication.
  • Chanel: Chanel, a prominent French fashion brand, employs Closed Shed fabrics in their iconic designs, emphasizing craftsmanship and attention to detail.
  • Gucci: Gucci, an Italian luxury brand, uses Closed Shed fabrics in their fashion and accessory lines, showcasing their commitment to quality and innovation.
  • Prada: Prada, an Italian fashion house, incorporates Closed Shed fabrics in their collections, combining avant-garde designs with functionality.


The Closed Shed plays a crucial role in textile weaving, ensuring proper insertion of the weft yarn and creating tightly woven fabrics. It has a long history, evolving from manual operation to mechanized systems. Various types of Closed Shed configurations are used, depending on the desired weave structure. Proper handling, maintenance, and tension control are essential for efficient weaving. Prominent international brands such as Brooks Brothers, Armani, Chanel, Gucci, and Prada incorporate Closed Shed fabrics in their collections, exemplifying its importance in creating high-quality garments.

Closed Shed
Closed shed refers to the shed being closed at beat-up. In other words, all the harness are at the same position during beat-up and therefore the shed is closed.
-- George C. Pedersen, CEO & Founder. KIMRE, Inc., USA
Closed Shed
That Shed in which some of the Warp Yarns are crossed over others. The distinction between Closed Shed and Open Shed arises only in Weaving cross-thread tissues, such as gauze weave and leno weave.

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