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A chemical process in which short fuzzy fibres are sealed into a yarn or are removed from the cloth to make the fabric more porous. The strength of the fabric is not impaired. A porous fabric permits...
Read about Fabric Air ConditioningUsed to describe all kinds of fabrics--wool, cotton, silk, rayon, synthetics and blends-that have a crinkle, crimped or grained surface. Made from worsted cotton, wool, silk, man-made synthetics. Has...
Read about CrepeThe process of dyeing long continuous ropes of full width fabrics in machines that use a combination of pulleys and high pressure jets of dye liquor to propel fabrics around the machine. The most...
Read about Jet-dyeCire is a French term that refers to a shiny, waxed or glazed finish on a textile. This effect is created by applying heat and pressure to the fabric surface, which melts the surface fibers and...
Read about CireDenim is a durable and versatile fabric that is commonly used for clothing, particularly for jeans. It is a type of cotton twill fabric that is characterized by its blue color and diagonal ribbing....
Read about DenimBrocatelle is a type of fabric that is characterized by its elaborate woven patterns and rich, textured surface. The name "brocatelle" is derived from the French word "brocart," which means "embossed...
Read about BrocatelleBourdon stitching is a type of embroidery that is used to create a raised, three-dimensional effect on fabrics. It is named after the French term "bourdon", which means "bumblebee", because the...
Read about Bourdon StitchingIn textile manufacturing, "solid wood" refers to the use of genuine, natural wood as a raw material in the production of textiles. Solid wood textiles are characterized by their unique texture,...
Read about Solid wood