
What is "cuir bouilli" - Definition & Explanation
Last Updated on: 23-Feb-2024 (5 months, 4 days ago)
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cuir bouilli
From the French, meaning boiled leather. This refers to softened leather pressed into shape and placed in boiling water. It is usually vegetal-tanned.

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The term used for passing fabric through big continuous ovens called stenters. In addition to just drying stenters can align fabrics, set fabrics, apply chemicals to fabrics via pad mangles. Stenter...

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Face Finished Fabrics

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Closed time

Period of assembly time when the adhesive film is not exposed to the air, but prior to the time that pressure has been applied. Compare with Open Time. Adhesives that bond on contact have little or...

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Latent Heat

The quantity of heat absorbed or released by a substance undergoing a change of state, such as ice changing to water or water to steam, at constant temperature and pressure. When a solid material is...

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Ability of a fiber to spring back to its natural position after folding, creasing or deformation. Loft is related to resiliency; it is the ability to return to original thickness after being...

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Form Fitting

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